Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Billboard City

Do the Buffalo bills realize that your supposed to get talent to win championships. I am talking about monsters with freakish ability that stay in school for minimum amount of time and only pass classes because they are on the football team. A coach from Yale, a starting QB from Stanford, and a backup QB from Harvard. You can't write this stuff.

For the record, I called the loss to the browns and the win against the jets two weeks before either game was played to mulldog. It's classic Bills football. They are going 7-9 folks. They will find a way to keep it interesting for a couple more weeks. I just hope Fitzpatrick can win a few games so we don't have to see Captain Check down anymore and we can officially draft a new QB to add to the long list of failures.

Main point of this post is to just show you a picture of the billboard referenced in a previous story.