Friday, October 16, 2009

Buffalo Billboards

Ryan Abshagen is the new hero of Buffalo NY. Yes fans are unhapy with the team. God knows you have seen enough of this blog to know that I am unhappy with the team. Mr. Abshagen, an unemployed 18 year old, has taken matters into his own hands. By the way, I like how websites are making it known this guy is unemployed....he is only 18 years old folks, not a huge deal. Regardless, this saint raised about $1,500 through the Internet to rent a billboard.
The Billboard will read:
"It's time to clean house, RALPH"

Then a checklist of three names:
Jauron (head coach)
Tom Modrak (College scout)
John Guy ( VP of Pro personnel)
This may not be the most creative idea, but nothing like driving on 190 and seeing this flash over 3,000 times a day. Its a disgrace and the fact that nothing has been done is just pitiful. I would actually consider dropping $500 dollars with 3 friends to get a billboard hung in Buffalo for a week and publicity. Mine would be much more brutal though.

Potential Ideas:
*A puppet Master controlling Ralph Wilson's limp, slumped over body.

*Five fat pigs in Bills Uniforms with the phrase, "These fat little pigs can block better then the Buffalo Bills line."

*Picture of me and my qualifications pining for the next head coaching job

*A picture of Fred Jackson with a thought bubble next to him saying, "I wish I could go back to DIII Coe College, Arena league, or the USFL and play with a real team again."

*A picture of Marshawn Lynch as a werewolf with the entire 53 man roster slained beneath him screaming, "Beast Mode"

*A picture of Terrell Owens crying in his dark sunglasses crying next to a picture of Trent Edwards saying, "That is NOT my quarterback man"

*A skeleton body next to the phrase, "Dick, the human cadaveour, Jauron."

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