6 innings, 6 hits, 8 k's, 2 bb's, 3 runs was Pedro's line. His last run scored after Manuel brought him out for the 7th inning and he allowed a two-strike bloop by Hairston Jr. and then a single to Melky Cabrera on a hit-and-run before being pulled. Chan Ho Park limited the damage in large thanks to Derek Jeter trying to bunt with two strikes, two on and no outs and a bit more of bad umpiring resulting in a double-play on Johnny Damon. Where do I begin?
First, Joe Girardi did a terrible job making this lineup. The 7-8-9 hitters were Jerry Hairston Jr. (because he's 10-27 off Pedro lifetime, yipppie), Melky, Jose Molina. If you're starting Molina over Posada there is no way you choose that game to start a guy like Hairston over Swisher. Yes, Swisher is slumping but he gives you a ton more power and a much greater ability to get on base. Since Hairston hit a cue shot down the line with two strikes (after looking hideous at the plate all night) in the 7th in what ended up being a big hit most will call Girardi a genius for the move. He wasn't, he was an idiot and got bailed out. By the way, the bottom of the lineup killed a few rallies and the Yanks may have gotten to Pedro real good with a better back-end, but we will never know.
In what was a brilliant move after Hairston gets on, Girardi pinch-runs Gardner, Melky shows bunt first pitch, they go to the hit-and-run on the following pitch. It's not clear if Melky was just showing bunt to confuse the Phils or not, but if-so that's brilliant by him or Girardi. That is the type of thing a good baseball manager will come up to you and say before an inning "hey look, if jerry gets on here we're going to run for him, show bunt first pitch and if its a strike we'll have gardner steal, if its a ball we may put the hit and run on, so be aware." And that is my guess to what happened, so kudos to Girardi there.

Next came Jeter bunting. Usually when Jeter bunts it's on his own. It's a nice thought Derek but come on, you're the hottest hitter in the lineup...give yourself a bit of credit and swing the stick. You're hitting .500 on the series and that's after fouling out. Great announcing by the way, "no way he bunts here (bunt) no way this happens (it happens)." We know for certain that Girardi, if he did have the bunt sign on, would have taken it off with two strikes. If he ever put it on it's a ridiculously bad call, but I'd bet it was Jeter all the way. I'm sure everyone has seen the next play as Damon hits it to Howard and it is incorrectly ruled a catch and resulted in a double-play. Not sure what Howard was doing there as the play would have resulted in everyone safe, bases chucked, 1 out for Tex/A-Rod..so this was a big play (and if the Yankees lost last night people would be calling for the umps heads..as is this is maybe the perfect play that would call for instant replay, though it's tricky in baseball and would slow down already slow games, more to come on this after the series)...all Howard had to do was step on first base for the double-play and even if he was playing it like a ground ball after you run to within a step of first base, step on it, sucker. **Editing in a note - Should mention this is a tough call to make and going to instant replay ruins the flow of the play, much like the difficulty of dealing with fumbles and whistling plays dead in football.
The next inning (8th) Mo comes in and the Phils have Rollins and Victorino on 1st and 2nd with 1 out and Utley batting. Count goes full and again McCarver is promoting a ridiculous idea that "You have to send the runners here." Manuel pretty much shut it down in the press conference after saying "Check the stats, I'll bet you Utley has hit into less than 5 double plays all year. So I wasn't worried about that. On top of that I don't want him lining out and if he strikes out, he's a lefty and Posada would have had a straight shot to third there. And I want Howard to hit." The fact is, McCarver, if you send the runners there and Utley makes an out, it's 2nd and 3rd with 2 outs and 1st base is open so they're either walking Howard or making him chase a pitch. Werth with the bases stacked is nice there, but you want Howard to hit. It was just a freak play, Utley hit it taylor made, Cano and Jeter made a ridiculously sweet turn and in the words of Charlie Manuel, stopping mid-answer to about the third question after that and turning back to the reporter who asked why he didn't send the runners "And another thing Jim, check the replay, Utley didn't hit into a double-play, he was safe!" Classic.
Fox track is terrible. DJ Hero is terrible. And Fox, you're the worst. When we have Chase Utley squaring off with Marino Rivera in the 8th inning of a 3-1 game with two guys on, DO NOT SHOW ME THE BASE-RUNNERS. They missed the beginning of three pitches including the double play showing us a ridiculous angle. No one cares about the base-runners. What ever happened to the announcers? Can Joe Buck let us know if the runners are on the move? K Thanks.
A-Rod is now 0-8 with 6 k's and what should have been an error.
Ryan Howard went 0-4 with 4 k's last night, though he did have that big double in game 1, might be struggling.
Wonder who will take more heat if it continues?
Raul Ibanez is quietly putting together a brilliant series.
I know there was more I wanted to say, but I think my brain is burned out now. Games Saturday/Sunday/Monday/Wednesday/Thursday. Some huge decisions on pitching and such. I fully expect Hamels to "surprise" everyone and out-pitch Pettitte in game 3, but that shouldn't come as a surprise if you've been paying attention.
dj hero is not terrible
ReplyDeleteA couple of points that I will say coming from a both side point of view.
ReplyDeleteFirst, on Pedro, Manuel did an awful job in that seventh inning. I think sending him out against the bottom of that lineup is fine (as Mullen stated, that lineup shouldn't even be in the stands for a World Series game, nevermind on the field). But when he gives up a leadoff hit I don't know how you let him pitch to Cabrera. He has already thrown over 100 pitches, and it just makes no sense why you leave him out there. You have a bullpen that has not been touched in over a week, just bring in Park to Cabrera.
Burnnett did pitch a gem, I can't take anything away from him, but one thing I will say is that the Phillies didn't adapt fast enough. Their gameplan going in was obvious, make Burnett throw pitches and get himself in trouble. Which is fine, except for the fact that Burnett's plan was throwing a fastball down the middle to get strike one. It took the Phillies until there third go around to start swinging at this fastball, and by that time the fastball wasn't down the middle, it was on the corner. They let Burnett get too comfortable, and then he basically had there way with them.
On the Utley AB against Mo and the whole idea of sending the runners on a full count is just retarded. I honestly don't know how McCarver still has a job, he has no clue what is going on at the field. Mullen pretty much nailed why you don't send them there, but something I will say, I honestly love a steal early in the count. This puts the tying run at second with one out. Rivera doesn't have a great move, Rollins could get a great jump, and with Jorge's lack of arm you probably take it standing up. Yes there is a good chance they walk Utley if that happens, but you have Howard and Werth up and have two chances (excluding a DP, which does come into play with Howard) to get a hit to tie the game. You are facing a guy who basically gives up a run every 9 innings, I don't mind trying to push the envelope.
On the umpires, I've heard many Phillies fan bitching that the strike zone was a one way zone in favor of the Yankees. Honestly I didn't really see it. Yea there were some bad strike calls (the AB to Utley against Mo stands out the most to me, which I don't think gets talked about at all, not sure if Rivera threw a strike to Utley that wasn't the DP ball) but honestly, that is baseball. The zone is the zone, and if the ump is giving the high pitch or the outside pitch, then you have to adapt and swing at it.
Which brings me to the call of the double play ball and the argument for instant replay. The fact that people are calling this play the exact reason why you need instant replay in baseball is absolute ludacris. Yes, it was a bad call,a line shot that Howard obviously caught on a short hop. The problem is, think of the umps view, he is behind Howard, making it an extremely difficult call for him to make. So that leads to the fact that the homeplate ump should overturn the call. You are asking an ump to overturn a call from 100 feet away on a ball that obviously took a short hop on slow mo replay. A play like that can go either way, and honestly to point at it and say this is why replay is a must in baseball you are an idiot. If you want to point to other plays this postseason (the double tag around third in hte Boston Angels series for example) then fine, I'll listen, but this play, give me a break. Why not make these games 5 hours long, play until 2 AM. And if you say it won't slow the game down, because its easy to look at, the NFL has a rule that says it shoudl take 2 minutes, and how many times does it actually happen under 2 minutes?
Agreed on all of that, really.