Hey boys, I think we're all excited for the big day tomorrow. We arguably have the toughest set of games that we've had all season ahead of us. I think it's only fitting to forward on to you some words of encouragement I received today as a few of my good friends stopped by:
Denzel Washington stopped by the house today and told me to pass this along: "In Greek mythology, the Titans were greater even than the gods. They ruled their universe with absolute power! Well, that baseball field out there tomorrow is YOUR universe. Rule it like the Titans, and you make sure they remember FOREVER, the day they played the NV Blues!

Sylvester Stallone dropped in to say, "Go the distance! Nobody's ever gone the distance with these Silver Spring Dodgers, and if you can go that distance, you see, and that bell rings after the 7th inning and you're still standin', you're gonna know for the first time in Blues history that you're League Champions!!

Kurt Russell came dressed as Coach Brooks from "The Miracle" and went on to say: "Great moments are born from great opportunity. And that's what you guys have Saturday, boys. That's what you've earned, boys. 1 more series, fellas. Tomorrow you will hit with em'. Tomorrow you will throw with em, and you shut them down because you CAN! Tomorrow you will be the greatest Blues team in the World. You were born to be baseball players; every one of you. You were meant to be there tomorrow. This is your time. Their time is done. It's over! I'm sick and tired of hearing of what a great baseball team the Silver Spring Dodgers have. Screw em! This is your time! Now go out there an take it!"

It was a long day today having 3 visitors, but I had to take the time to let ya know about it. Let's go out there and take what's ours boys. See ya at the ball field around 11.
dave ickowski under pressure. enough said