Just got off the phone with the Millman, he wanted me to post about his incredibly ominous trip to Vegas. From what I recall of a laundry list of mishaps along the way:
He got to the D.C. airport around 6 p.m. last night for a direct flight to Vegas. They kept delaying the flight a half-hour until finally at 10 canceling it, but trying to find the would-be travelers an alternative flight plan. At 11, they told them to come back 7:30 a.m. the next morning they'd have a flight to Boston to Phoenix and then to Vegas, ETA 3 p.m.
Millman went home (after I believe spending a few hours at the airport bar), steps back in this morning (Thursday) and the flight to Boston is delayed, when they finally get there he missed his connection and they, for some reason, rush him onto a flight to Philly. When he gets there he hops on a flight to Phoenix, though he doesn't have a ticket from Phoenix to Vegas, he feels getting out west is the best play at this point...when he finally arrives in Phoenix he has to order a new ticket from Southwest to get from there to Vegas, 4:45 flight, which he then gets bumped from and is currently waiting to (hopefully) catch a later flight and get in Vegas before tomorrow comes.
Just a pewch man making a pewch trip to do pewch things (I'm sure).
Update** Millman's latest flight experiencing mechanical difficulties. Could God scream at you any louder to stay out of Vegas? Something tells me Millman is too pewchtermined to get to Vegas and fulfill his manipewch destiny of losing a fortune and completing the all-time most miserable Vegas experience by anyone who didn't return home married or dead.
Update Part II** Breaks don't work, flight canceled. I'm assured by him that this is all fact. By the way, it should be mentioned that we had talked about betting on the women's tennis this morning (he was going to lay down some action when he got in last night) and decided the Williams sisters were too strong, but that the bet was actually Venus/Safina under 21 total games. 6-1, 6-0. Would've nailed it.
Update Part III** Mullman has in fact touched down, limo in wait - and I feel I gave him some strong Wimbledon plays to consider at the sports book. Hopefully his luck has turned.
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