With the recent comments by Ocho Cinco that he will be twittering in-game this season and a tennis player (whose name I didn't catch) apparently doing just that in a recent match (against Andy Roddick? Thought he was taking time off? This was on at about 7 a.m. on espn, forgive me for being confused)...it begs the question where do we draw the line? Shaq and Vill a no way va apparently tweeted in-game last season as well.

The thing is, to me, the only interesting potential of twitter is just this type of thing. I refuse to admit such a short attention span and look at anyone's, much less get my own twitter...but come on, tell me you really aren't interested in hearing what Ocho Cinco has to tweet in-game. Players obviously don't have the time to blog in-game, but a quick tweet would be possible and I'm sure of much interest to fans.
While I expect the NFL to configure some sort of rule that blocks a player from doing this, it might only be a matter of time before players are tweeting updates in-game. Mildly interesting development to follow I suppose.
I saw an article or newcast or something of that nature about the NFL policy on this. Cell phones are apparently forbidden during the game but the question mark was about halftime and in the locker room. So I think if you do an in game tweet (not during halfitme) a suspension should be in order. No Fun League strikes again. Get your UFL season tickets now folks.
ReplyDeleteWhat about how this tennis player did it...bizarrely enough he was writing notes and had a ball girl running them to an intern in the stands who was tweeting them...could the NFL really ban a player relaying a message to someone else to post?
ReplyDeleteI saw/heard the same story. It was some washed up double player but her was pretty funny on mike and mike. I like the idea. I think it would obviously be through proxy (chad would tell someone what to write, and then he would access the account and type it up)I think its brilliant, however the only way i see the NFL embracing it is if they can work with twitter to make money off of it i.e. pay for an in game subscription service type of thing, god forbid they did anything for the fans for free but I digress. How awesome would it be it Chad came off and was like giveing a short rundown of the drive and what was happening on the field off camera. If the tweets were half way intelligent football talk and not just trash It would be awesome. As much as he "85" would talk smack most of those guys on the field are really heady guys and know a ton about football, if that was relayed real time it could be great for the real fans.
ReplyDeletesorry for the spelling on the last post...I was trying to squeeze it in before a call. thanks
ReplyDeleteim not interested in in game tweets from ocho cinco. his little brain wouldnt give us much to read. plus he would just complain about not getting the ball in the first half.
ReplyDeleteeveryone tune in to UFC 100 Saturday night.
Yeah, it really does have potential even though the NFL won't embrace it unless they're making money off it. I still don't like it from a semi-purist perspective, just seems wrong like the in-game interviews ESPN conducts with the baseball managers and basketball coaches in-between quarters. OK, so I get that these guys are professionals and you can't tell them much but at least pretend as if these guys have something to do.
ReplyDeleteWould def follow in game tweets. Big fan of twitter. Used to slam it, now find it as an almost valuable tool to see what athletes think.