The Pewch Revolution is here to finally bring the pewch lifestyle to the blogosphere. The mulldog and the millman will be discussing all sports in a free-for-all fashion that could only be described as pewch.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Sammy Sosa was a juicer
Huge shout-out to the New York Times for breaking this story. They caught on slightly quicker on this than they did that Iraq actually didn't have Weapons of Mass Destruction.
The pewch revolution is a blog about two men who will touch upon a range of sports subjects giving you their opinions and outlooks of the state of sports past, present, and future. For those of you unfamiliar to the word pewch, lets first start off by stating that it’s a lifestyle. Deriving from the word putrid originally, pewch is a word founded in Webster, NY and has been spreading its way to SUNY Fredonia where the millman and mulldog attended college. The millman now resides in Virginia/DC and the mulldog lives in Kingston NY….The word pewch is hard to define. It’s a way of life that includes a man’s constant mishaps, awkward and embarrassing moments, bad decisions, and failures. The millman is undoubtedly pewch, the mulldog is absolutely pewch, and after spending some time with us you will soon realize (if you haven’t already) you are also pewch.
Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to The Pewch Revolution.
I think 95 percent of kids in the carribean are on roids. I say let them all do it.