Worked the overnight shift setting up the stage for a pair of u2 concerts going on at Giants Stadium tonight and tomorrow. The stage is called The Claw apparently...all I know is I have worked a few concerts in my day and I have never seen anything like this. The needle at the top I think someone said is ten stories high. It literally looked like an Alien Spacecraft had just landed in the center of Giants Stadium. My dad, who does this for a living, and doesn't get excited about stages, shows or even celebrities (usually he doesn't even know who is playing) - was even excited about this thing. Not sure if anyone is planning to go...and not so sure how this is a "green show" as we all know Bono is saving the world since the amount of energy being wasted (for only two shows no less) is insane. That said, if you like u2 (and I don't) this should be pretty awesome.

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